is the 4th best independent fast food simulator game of 2025! Featuring frenetic multi-tasking madness where you
assemble burgers in the kitchen and serve them up at the front desk, DESTROYER BURGER is most similar to the
ingenious 2013 indie hit "Papers, Please", although working at a fast food joint lacks the Joie de vivre of
life at a Soviet border checkpoint.
Coming to Steam (PC) in 2025 in all its greasy goodness!
Aleksi Siirtola - Lead Developer, Artist, Writer
Rasmus Rönkkö - Developer, Programmer
Mikael Vanninen - Developer, Sound Designer, Composer
Live-Action Trailer: Cooking w/ Destructo and Michael
Saturday Morning Cartoon Commercial Trailer ('07 Classic)
Questions regarding the game / desire to donate millions of dollars to development:
aleksisiirtola (you know what if you're human) gmail.com